Evan Tsoukalas has been...
... a grocery clerk, an inventory flunky, an IT nerd and will always be a former Marine. Frankly, he is still a nerd, but he has also (somehow) become another bald, middle-aged, middle-management guy in corporate America. He continues to resist full suit assimilation, but director-speak has all but taken over, and he can often be heard uttering phrases like “less than ideal,” “feel free to pick an open spot on my calendar,” and “what are your thoughts on...?”
He was born and raised in New Hampshire, but traded in his snow shovel for sunscreen a few years back, and can now most often be found running away from direct sunlight in Chandler, Arizona.
He lives with his better half and a small collection of animals who have more beds in the home than the humans, and is blessed to be included in the life of the amazing young woman who is most often referred to as 'Other Dear.'
He has been writing fiction for almost 30 years now, and it has taken that long to write something he thought was worth sharing with anyone outside of his poor, tortured circle of guinea p... umm... test readers.
“Do I have a choice?”
“Of course. You will kill this woman, or you will die right now. Choose.”
What I've Achieved
- As a writer, thus far, absolutely nothing except delusions of grandeur.
- In life, the blessings are too numerous to list... plus, I don't want to put you to sleep.