So I have finished making and uploading all of the changes from the physical proof. It only took me 20+ uploads before I managed to work all of the formatting issues out of the interior! Considering that I had to bounce back and forth between two computers, one which couldn't use Interior Reviewer and the other which did not have Word, I'm surprised I'm still sane... or rather, as sane as I was before I started reviewing the physical proof, which may not be saying much.
There is nothing quite like the feeling of finally getting that little green check mark next to a section in CreateSpace.
In other news, after a wait that was almost the death of me, the cover art project for Corrupting Alicia has finally begun! I am incredibly excited and cannot wait to see the first drafts on Tuesday! I try very hard not to look beyond days, but I can't express how tired I've grown of looking at the terrible temporary cover I created just to get the physical proof in my hands.
It's really starting to look like having the novel available by the end of this month is really an achievable goal.