So I'm on day seven of reviewing the physical proof of Corrupting Alicia. I'm on page 113 out of 390... and I'm starting to drag. It is much harder than reviewing the changes from my editor, and is not anywhere near as fun. I often have to read a page multiple times because I get to the end and realized that I "skipped" chunks of words because I've simply read them so many times.
Oh, well. This really should be relegated to "problems that are nice to have." I would say that I should stop complaining and get back to reading, but the truth is that I'm trying to stretch out the review as much as possible because I've got to wait until July 10th for the cover art project to begin, and at least July 16th before I will get the first items to review.
Waiting has never been my strong suit, though I've gotten better at it with age...
Back to battle.
#amwriting #firstnovel